upset the balance of force — undermine the balance of power, offset the balance of force … English contemporary dictionary
upset the balance — destabilize the equilibrium … English contemporary dictionary
balance — 1. The noun is about four centuries older than the verb, and has derived several figurative uses from its primary meaning of ‘an apparatus for weighing’, as for example in accounting (where the notion of balancing the books is ever present) and… … Modern English usage
balance — I n. 1) to strike a balance between 2) to keep; recover one s balance 3) to lose one s balance 4) to disturb, upset the balance; to throw smt. off balance 5) a delicate balance 6) (bookkeeping) a trial balance 7) a bank; credit; debit; foreign… … Combinatory dictionary
upset — up|set1 [ˌʌpˈset] adj 1.) [not before noun] unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened upset by/about/at etc ▪ She was really upset about the way her father treated her. upset that ▪ Debbie was upset that he… … Dictionary of contemporary English
balance — bal|ance1 W2S2 [ˈbæləns] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(steady)¦ 2¦(equal amounts)¦ 3 on balance 4¦(surprise somebody)¦ 5¦(bank)¦ 6¦(money owed)¦ 7¦(remaining)¦ 8 be/hang in the balance 9 tip/swing the balance 10¦(for weighing)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
upset — [up set′; ] for n. always, and for adj. also [, up′set΄] vt. upset, upsetting [ME upsetten: see UP1 & SET] 1. Obs. to set up; erect 2. a) to tip over; overturn [to upset a vase] … English World dictionary
balance — n 1 Balance, equilibrium, equipoise, poise, tension are comparable when denoting the stability or efficiency resulting from the equalization or exact adjustment of opposing forces. Balance suggests a steadiness that results when all parts are… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
upset — [adj] disturbed, bothered agitated, all torn up*, amazed, antsy*, apprehensive, blue*, broken up*, bummed out*, capsized, chaotic, come apart*, confused, disconcerted, dismayed, disordered, disquieted, distressed, dragged*, frantic, grieved, hurt … New thesaurus
balance — bal|ance1 [ bæləns ] noun *** ▸ 1 ability to stay upright ▸ 2 correct relationship ▸ 3 mental/emotional calm ▸ 4 money in bank ▸ 5 amount remaining ▸ 6 majority of information ▸ 7 for weighing things ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the ability to remain … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
balance — I UK [ˈbæləns] / US noun Word forms balance : singular balance plural balances *** 1) a) [uncountable] the ability to remain steady in an upright position An ear infection is affecting his balance. b) a position in which your body remains steady… … English dictionary